Participants to the Classic Ride (48km) are people who join with the FCI regulations valid for the 2020 season for the XC “point to point” races and in any case starting from the Junior and Master Junior categories. Participants to the Marathon Ride (72Km) are people who join with the UCI / FCI regulations valid for the 2020 season for the XCM races. The participants accept our conditions of responsibility without objections, renouncing any legal action against the Organizing Committee.

The competitors must:

  1. Have a valid membership card for year 2020 with the UCI / FCI or Sports Promotion Entity recognized by the FCI and in good standing with the sports medical certificate, and everything must be shown at the pectoral collection;

  2. If without a recognized card, they must have a sports medical certificate in course of validity and buy a daily FCI card, made available by the Organizing Committee at a cost of €10.00;

Without a valid medical certificate or sports card, the athlete CANNOT participate to the race.


Registrations start on 1 December 2019 at 06.00 AM.

Online registration is possible by means the Winning Time website (https://www.winningtime.it/web/main.php?mac=entries_online) or by means paper module. FCI members shall mandatory sign up by means “K factor” web site (http://fci.ksport.kgroup.eu), within 30 May 2020 at 23.59 with their sport Society. After that date and hour, “K factor” will be closed and in no way reopened for NONE category.


Partecipation fees are the next:


For large teams, in case of cumulative registration on the Winning Time website, 9 components must be entered while the 10th component must be communicated by sending data via email (pedale39@gmail.com), attaching a copy of the card, the choice of race (Classic or Marathon), cumulative registration form, email address and copy of the cumulative payment, correctly filled in all its parts. Otherwise the registration will be declared invalid. It will be the concern of the C.O. to confirm and enter the name not loaded through the registration procedure list on the Winning Time portal in the starters.


  1. Online Payment: with Credit Card, as described in the Winning Time procedure during the registration, as foreseen also on “http://www.gfcostadeglietruschi.com/iscrizioni/” from 01.12.2019 at 06:00;

  2. Bank Transfer Payment with next data:


Registration fees will not be returned.

It will be possible to freeze the registration for the race of next year by email to be sent within 30/04/2020, with an extra cost of €10,00.


  1. It is possible to Replace a Participant name with another one within 20/05/2020 at 23:59, with an extra cost of €10,00 by means Bank Transfer at:

  1. The Ride Change is possible within 30/05/2020 with an extra cost of €5,00 by means Bank Transfer at:

Ride change has to be completed by means e-mail to be sent to info@gfcostadeglietruschi.com. After 30/05/2020, the change could be done directly to the race secretary on 06/06/2020 with an additional cost of €15,00 due to race material replacement.

If the event does not take place for reasons not attributable to the organization, the participation amount will not be refunded in any case or maintained for the following year.


The personal data communicated at the time of registration will be saved, used and processed exclusively for the organization and for the event. By registering, the participant immediately declares that personal data may also be used by third parties. The participant declares to accept the publication, in paper and digital form, of the starting lists and final rankings on the various sites of the event, of the National and International Cycling Federations and of the timing company. By registering, the participant declares to consent to the publication of personal data on all media (internet, homepage and printed matter etc …). In addition, the participant and the organizer declare that the photographic and video material, made in the context of the event, may be disseminated and published, without making use of any claim for compensation.


The Organizing Committee reserves the right to modify, change the following regulations, the route and elevation profiles for the running of the race.


The categories admitted to the new edition of the Race will be those foreseen by the FCI / UCI regulations for the 2020 season:


The starting grids for the year 2020 will be in blocks to ensure greater fluidity of the route and fully enjoy the route, given the territorial characteristics in which the race takes place.


The times indicated and the composition of the grids are at the discretion of the C.O. of the race which will be able to modify them by the start of the race, to ensure the best performance of the event. The female categories that will start, excluding the OPEN, will be able to choose the desired starting block. Athletes who start on the wrong grid will be disqualified. Athletes registered on the Classic course but who will start with the athletes on the Marathon route will be disqualified. It should be noted that the starting time of the Marathon course is set for 9:30 am and the Classic one after about 10 minutes after the last athlete of the Marathon course has passed on the timing.


The Costa degli Etruschi EPIC is a Mountain Bike race, to which only the use of mountain bikes or mountain tandems is allowed. It will be possible to carry out small repairs along the specifically indicated technical areas (see Feed Technical Zone) in which the presence of our assistance stands along the route will also be indicated, unless assisted by your team. It is advisable to do a technical check of the vehicle before taking off.


For the protection of athletes, the use of an approved helmet is mandatory throughout the race. The use of cameras or cams positioned on the bike, helmet or body is prohibited, unless previously authorized by the C.O. subject to endorsement by the Competition Jury, as required by current UCI / FCI regulations, under penalty of disqualification.

The race will also take place on public and private roads. It is a duty of everyone to respect the rules of the Italian highway code. Furthermore, it is mandatory to comply with the UCI and FCI rules on the matter. Whoever does not respect these rules will be immediately disqualified.


The President of the Jury for the Marathon course will be designated by the UCI, to which the race is regularly registered, supported by collaborators designated by the FCI and by the Off-Road Race Director, chosen by the C.O. in the specific FCI Register currently valid for national and international competitions.

Any claim may be made official to the jury panel in the manner provided by the current UCI and FCI regulations.


Immediately after the arrival of the first classified, the “flowers ceremony” will take place in the arrival area. The official award ceremony will begin at 15:00 at Camping i Melograni. The categories provided for by the UCI / FCI regulations will be awarded at the official award ceremony in the following way:


The cash prizes provided for the Agonist categories by the UCI / FCI Regulations for International competitions will be guaranteed. The C.O. reserves the right to publish the expected prize money, including the guaranteed tables, on the special website section MONTEPREMI for the first 10 male classified and first 5 female classified.


The C.O. reserves the right to exclude athletes from the competition if they are not welcome. The use of bicycles equipped with any kind of electric and / or assisted support and aid is prohibited.


The waste must be disposed of in the designated TRASH ZONE areas indicated along the route at the end of each refreshment point. The TRASH ZONES will also be equipped with special bins, however it will be foreseen to throw the waste on the ground in these areas which will be promptly picked up by the staff. Outside of the TRASH ZONES, it is strictly forbidden to throw waste along the route, under penalty of disqualification. It should also be noted that the race is set within the “Magona National Park”, therefore we guarantee its maintenance with our behavior


Participation in the “Granfondo Costa degli Etruschi EPIC” takes place at your own risk. By registering, the competitor renounces any right of complaint, also against third parties, against the CO and all those natural and legal persons involved in the organization of the event. In addition, the competitors confirm by registering that they are in good physical condition in order to support a competition such this one.


It is forbidden to abandon the course without reporting it to the recognizable staff (Marshall) who will collect the front panel (transponder) placed on the race table and who will communicate it to the C.O. and the Jury Board placed upon arrival of the event.


The path closure gate for the Marathon course only will be positioned at a height of approximately 38 km in loc. Campo di Sasso cottage. Only athletes who run the Marathon route, outside the time limit, will be hijacked on arrival, continuing to follow the signs on the Classic route. No exceptions will be made for any reason and no case. After the path closing gate part of the signs will be removed by the personnel in charge.

The Marathon course closing gate will be activated after 13:00 (thirteen / 00).


23. Self-certifications and obligations deriving from signing the registration form

By signing the registration form, the competitor declares:

GDPR: By signing the registration form, the competitor declares to authorize ASD Mountain Bike Club Cecina to send via email all organizational communications regarding the event in question.

Ethical Requirement: By signing and sending the registration form, the competitor, together with the representative of his team, self certifies the absence of sporting, civil and / or criminal sanctions or investigations underway against him for facts relating to doping and declares that it has not taken – and does not take – substances included in the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) anti-doping list (https://www.wada-ama.org/en/resources/sciencemedicine/prohibited-list). If the doping checks carried out on the GF Costa degli Etruschi EPIC are positive, or the positivity ascertained in the 6 (six) months following the GF Costa degli Etruschi EPIC, the competitor is required to pay to the Organizing Committee, by way of compensation for the serious damage caused to the image of the event, the sum of € 50,000.00 (fifty thousand euros / 00). If belonging to a sports association, the latter will be jointly and severally obliged to pay this penalty.

The C.O. reserves the right to prosecute the competitor and the sports club in all the appropriate locations to protect their image

The competitor also expresses his consent to the use of his image and data, as required by Legislative Decree no. 196 of 30 June 2003 (regulation regarding the protection of personal data).

The online submission of the form is considered in all respects an electronic subscription of the same. By electronic signature the law means the set of data in electronic form, attached or connected by logical association to other electronic data, used as a method of computer identification.


Winning Time is responsible for timing. Excluding the competitive categories (Open / Junior) for which physical arrival is foreseen by the UCI / FCI regulations, the journey time will be measured by virtue of the competitor’s real time.


By sending online registration, the athlete declares:

The President

Daniele Gronchi